(1824 - 1896)

Dokumente und Studien

Each volume in 17 x 24 format, includes illustrations, music examples and index, soft-bound


In the monograph series Anton Bruckner – Dokumente und Studien (Documents and Studies) individual authors or author collectives engage with a particular subject area from the biography or personality of Anton Bruckner.

Theophil Antonicek

Anton Bruckner und die Wiener Hofmusikkapelle

Series Editor: Franz Grasberger (1979)


[ Anton Bruckner and the Vienna Court Orchestra ]


MV 101
168 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-77-3


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Membership of the Hofmusikkapelle was a notable distinction which had a decisive influence on a musician's social status. Bruckner applied for membership for many years before Hofkapellmeister Herbeck used his influence in his favour. The relevant documents, collected here in one book for the first time, show, inter alia, that the most disturbing aspect of Bruckner's fate was not any lack of understanding or malice on the part of his contemporaries; on the contrary, Bruckner's desire to be liked and to elicit acts of kindness from others tragically led him to adopt modes of behaviour which were successful in the short term, but ultimately caused his fellows to keep him at arm's length.


Manfred Wagner / Johannes-Leopold Mayer / Elisabeth Maier / Leopold M. Kantner

Anton Bruckner in Wien

Eine kritische Studie zu seiner Persönlichkeit
Series Editor: Franz Grasberger
[ Anton Bruckner in Vienna. A critical study of his personality. ]


MV 102
292 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-78-0 (1980


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Manfred Wagner
Bruckner in Wien
Ein Beitrag zur Apperzeption und Rezeption des oberösterreichischen Komponisten in der Hauptstadt der k. k. Monarchie.


[ On the perception and reception of the Upper Austrian composer in the capital of the Habsburg monarchy. ]


Bruckner's social position in Vienna as seen by his contemporaries and in the light of a systematic analysis of material from the press.


Johannes-Leopold Mayer
Musik als gesellschaftliches Ärgernis - oder: Anton Bruckner, der Anti-Bürger
Das Phänomen Bruckner als historisches Problem.


[ Music as a social scandal. Or: Anton Bruckner the anti-citizen. The phenomenon Bruckner as a historical problem. ]

With his highly individual music, Bruckner adopted a stance opposed to that of liberal-democratic society, but at the same time resisted the attempts of the Christian-Social groupings to lure him into their fold.

Elisabeth Maier
Anton Bruckners Arbeitswelt

[ Anton Bruckner's working world ]


Documentary evidence refutes the legend of a passive Bruckner, blown to Vienna as it were on the winds of chance; on the contrary, Vienna was for Bruckner a conscious goal, a city where he sought security in permanent employment. He was reticent on this subject towards his leisure-time companions, whose speculations in this regard led to numerous misrepresentations.

Leopold M. Kantner
Die Frömmigkeit Anton Bruckners


[ Anton Bruckner's piety ]

Contemporary piety is compared with with Bruckner's own, with influences being traced and examined. Bruckner is shown to have been a deep believer, fervent in prayer, pathologically scrupulous, and having few attractive personality traits; the religious Bruckner, devout but by no means saintly, is quite definitely at odds with the Bruckner we know from his music.


Elisabeth Maier / Franz Zamazal

Anton Bruckner und Leopold von Zenetti

Series Editor: Franz Grasberger (1980)


MV 103
264 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-79-7


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Leopold von Zenetti played an important role as Bruckner's teacher during his time in Kronstorf (1843-45). This book gives not only a detailed in-context presentation of Zenetti's life and work but also an equally detailed account of Bruckner's early creative life. The chapter headings speak for themselves: 'The Classical inheritance', 'Extended horizons', and 'Desire for perfection'.


Renate Grasberger


(to 1974)
Series Editor: Othmar Wessely (1985)


MV 104
296 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-80-3


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In addition to titles directly concerned with Bruckner, this bibliography also includes entries for sections in general music history publications dealing with Bruckner and/or his work.


Part II see Vol 12 (MV 112)


Hans Kreczi

Das Bruckner-Stift St. Florian und das Linzer Reichs-Bruckner-Orchester

Series Editor: Othmar Wessely (1986)


MV 105
368 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-81-0


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Hans Kreczi, for many years responsible for cultural administration in Linz, gives the first account of Hitler's plan to combine the Augustinian Stift Sankt Florian, the Bruckner-Orchester and the Bruckner-Chor to form the Musikwerk des Großdeutschen Rundfunks ('music project of Greater German Radio'), which was intended to occupy an important position in the National-Socialist re-ordering of post-war Europe.


Steffen Lieberwirth

Anton Bruckner und Leipzig.

Die Jahre 1885-1902
Series Editor: Othmar Wessely (1988)


MV 106
114 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-82-7


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Taking as his starting-point the first performance of the Seventh Symphony in Leipzig – a highly important event for Bruckner's international reputation – the author makes a convincing case for the significance of Leipzig in the reception of Bruckner's work. The abundance of choice illustrations makes this ample documentation a doubly attractive book with an appeal to both mind and eye.


Renate Grasberger (unter Mitarbeit von Uwe Harten)

Bruckner-Ikonographie Teil 1

in collaboration with Andrea Harrandt, Elisabeth Maier und Uwe Harten (1990)
Series Editor: Othmar Wessely
[ Bruckner documentation in pictures, Part I (1854-1924) ]


MV 107
250 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-83-4


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Extensive basic research and a number of happy coincidences bore fruit in this comprehensive documentation with a quantity of pictorial material new to Bruckner researchers. The wide range of 186 chronologically ordered and precisely described illustrations include photographs, painting, watercolours, drawings, caricatures, etchings, lithographs, woodcuts and engravings, ex libris plates, postcards, medallions, plaquettes and memorial plaques. The black-and-white pictures are reproduced in sepia tones, with colour pictures being collected in a section of their own.


Renate Grasberger

Bruckner-Ikonographie Teil 2

(1925 bis 1946)
With addenda to Part One (= Vol. 7, MV 407)

Series Editor: Theophil Antonicek in collaboration with Moritz Csáky – Andrea Harrandt – Elisabeth Maier (2004)
[ Bruckner documentation in pictures, Part Two: 1925–1946 ]


MV 114
280 pages, 16 in colour, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-67-4


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Over 200 illustrations, mainly little-known depictions of the composer, with detailed commentaries and index.


Renate Grasberger

Bruckner-Ikonographie Teil 3 

(1947 to 2006)
With addenda to Part One (= Vol. 7, MV 407) and Part Two (= Vol. 14, MV 114)

Series Editor: Theophil Antonicek in collaboration with Renate Grasberger – Elisabeth Maier – Erich Wolfgang Partsch (2007)
[ Bruckner documentation in pictures, Part Three: 1947–2006 ]


MV 118
385 pages, 32 in colour, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-76-6


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Over 300 illustrations, with detailed commentaries and a complete index for all three volumes.


Renate Grasberger / Erich W. Partsch (with the collaboration of Uwe Harten)

Bruckner – skizziert

Ein Porträt in ausgewählten Erinnerungen und Anekdoten
Series Editor: Othmar Wessely (1991)
[ Bruckner in sketches. A portrait in selected reminiscences and anecdotes. ]


MV 108
290 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-16-2


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To what exent has the standard image of Bruckner been manipulated by anecdote? In what sense does anecdotal evidence have documentational value in its own (albeit limited) right?


In over 300 reminiscences and anecdotes, the authors present Bruckner as seen by his contemporaries and later commentators, with the various contributions being ordered in thematic groups (way of life, religion, women, authority, his professional world). This juxtaposition of sources raises a number of basic questions and points up, for instance, the need for an analysis of the stereotype of Bruckner as 'God's musician'.


Hans Kreczi

Bruckner-Orchester und Brucknerhaus Linz

in collaboration with Andrea Harrandt, Elisabeth Maier and Uwe Harten (1992)
Series Editor: Othmar Wessely


MV 109
308 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-21-6


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Kreczi gives an account of the development of the Bruckner-Orchester in the wider context of goals pursued in cultural politics; topics dealt with include the rise in musicians' social status, internal power struggles, and above all, the long-drawn-out fight for the realization of the idea of the Brucknerhaus.


An appendix presents detailed data and material on the orchestral concerts from 1949 to 1974 (the year of the opening of the Brucknerhaus), including concert programmes, artists, attendance figures and press notices.


Harry Slapnicka / Rudolf Zinnhobler / Othmar Wessely / Franz Zamazal

Staat - Kirche - Schule in Oberösterreich

Zu Anton Bruckners sozialhistorischem Umfeld
in collaboration with Andrea Harrandt, Elisabeth Maier and Uwe Harten (1994)
Series Editor: Othmar Wessely
[ State, Church and School in Upper Austria: Anton Bruckner's socio-historical world. ]


MV 110
264 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-28-5


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Harry Slapnicka
Oberösterreich zwischen Wiener Kongreß und den Anfängen der politischen Parteien (1815-1870)

[ Upper Austria between the Congress of Vienna and the beginnings of the political parties (1815–1870) ]


Rudolf Zinnhobler
Das Bistum Linz zwischen Spätjosephinismus und Liberalismus
[ The diocese of Linz between late Josephinism and Liberalism ]


Othmar Wessely
Der junge Bruckner und sein Orgelspiel
[ The young Bruckner and his organ-playing ]


Franz Zamazal
Familie Bruckner - Drei Generationen Lehrer. Schulverhältnisse - Ausbildung - Lebenslauf
[ Three generations of Bruckners in teaching: Their situation at school – their training – their lives. ]


The four studies collected in this volume deal with Bruckner's socio-cultural world; written by an historian, a church historian, a musicologist and a specialist for documentary research respectively, they offer the reader a variety of ways of acquiring a deeper familiarity both with the world and times Bruckner lived in, and with the path of the composer's development.


Elisabeth Maier

Verborgene Persönlichkeit

Anton Bruckner in seinen privaten Aufzeichnungen
in collaboration with Moritz Csáky/Andrea Harrandt/Elisabeth Maier (2001)
Series Editor: Theophil Antonicek
[ Hidden personality – Anton Bruckner in his private notebooks. ]


MV 111
2 volumes, cased, 750 and 426 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-60-5


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As Anton Bruckner's letters are to a very large extent concerned with the fate of his works, the few genuinely private autograph sources are particularly significant for the insights they allow us into his personality. These are the notebooks he used from his time in Linz until his death, of which twenty-two have survived.


These documents, some privately owned and hitherto inaccessible to scholars, are published here in their entirety for the first time. The first volume contains fulsomely annotated transcriptions of all the pages, and a comprehensive appendix with notes on all the individuals mentioned by Bruckner; the second volume contains reproductions of all the pages with written entries.


Renate Grasberger

Bruckner-Bibliographie Teil 2

in collaboration with Moritz Csáky/Andrea Harrandt/Elisabeth Maier (2002)
Series Editor: Theophil Antonicek


MV 112
249 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-61-2


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This volume follows on directly from the first part of the Bruckner-Bibliographie, published in 1985; together, the two volumes represent an indispensable basic tool for all Bruckner researchers. The items are ordered alphabetically by author; a comprehensive index section facilitates the speedy location of information sought by the user.


Part I see volume 4 (MV 104)


Erich Wolfgang Partsch

Anton Bruckner und Steyr

in collaboration with Moritz Csáky/Andrea Harrandt/Elisabeth Maier
with a contribution on church history by Roland Bachleitner (2003)
Series Editor: Theophil Antonicek (2003)


MV 113
468 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-62-7
out of stock


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This study is the first detailed account of the composer's lifelong association with the town of Steyr, and takes into consideration a quantity of hitherto unknown written and pictorial material.


From the Contents:

  • Tausend Jahre Musik in Steyr
    [ A thousand years of music in Steyr ]
  • Bruckners sozialhistorisches und kirchengeschichtliches Umfeld
    [ Bruckner's socio-historical and ecclesiastical world ]
  • Bruckner als "Ferienkomponist"
    [ Bruckner as 'holiday-composer' ]
  • Wirkungsgeschichte nach 1896
    [ Bruckner's influence after 1896 ]



Elisabeth Maier

Anton Bruckner als Linzer Dom- und Stadtpfarrorganist

Aspekte einer Berufung


With an essay by Ikarus Kaiser: Der Dom- und Stadtpfarrkapellmeister Karl Borromäus Waldeck und die Orgel der Stadtpfarrkirche in Linz


[ Anton Bruckner as organist of the cathedral and city parish church in Linz: Aspects of a vocation ]


MV 115
520 pages with numerous illustrations, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-72-8


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The period 1855–68 saw Anton Bruckner make a number of critical decisions. He left the monastic and rural world for the secular milieu of the city, he gave up schoolteaching to become a professional musician, and he developed from an organist and composer of church music into a symphonist. In crossing these borders, he was uncompromisingly following the dictates of his inborn creative gift, which was increasingly making composition into his ‘chief life-task’. This book provides the most comprehensive possible documentation of the sources (many hitherto unpublished) relating to this decisive phase in Bruckner’s life, and considers them as evidence for his artistic development. Archival vestiges of complicated bureaucratic procedures, letters, and newspaper articles combine to form a fascinating and moving portrait of a great vocation in the making.


Manfred Wagner

Anton Bruckner im Gedicht

Ein Rezeptionsphänomen


with contributions by Elisabeth Maier, Oswald Panagl and Erich Wolfgang Partsch

Series Editor: hrsg. von Renate Grasberger, Elisabeth Maier und Erich Wolfgang Partsch (2005)
[ Anton Bruckner in poetry. A reception phenomenon ]


MV 116
232 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-69-8


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267 poems by 108 authors from over 140 years from occasional poetry and dialect verse to works by Eugen Roth, Josef Weinheber and Charles Bukowski as an important source of reception history with critical commentary and biographical details on the authors.


Johann August Dürrnberger

Elementarlehrbuch der Harmonie- und Generalbass-Lehre

Reprint of the 1841 Linz edition including Anton Bruckner’s manuscript notes
Colour facsimile, annotated and with a scholarly essay by Daniel Hensel
[ Elementary Textbook of Harmony and Figured Bass ]


MV 119
178 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-903196-01-8


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Dürrnberger’s textbook was a standard reference in musical teacher training. Bruckner himself later used it for teaching his students in Vienna.


Andrea Harrandt

Anton Bruckner in Bayreuth

ed. Andreas Lindner and Klaus Petermayr (2019)


MV 117
298 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-903196-04-9


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Wagner doubtlessly assumed an important position in Brucker’s life; this relationship, however, was in no way reciprocal. Bruckner without Wagner is quite hard to imagine, unlike Wagner without Bruckner. His sojourns in Bayreuth were among the highlights of Bruckner’s year. The present volume illustrates them with a wide variety of documents, at the same time it provides an insight into the festival at this period of its history.


Eva Maria Stöckler

Josef Klugers Bruckner-Rezeption

Bruckner-Mappe aus dem Nachlass Dr. Josef Klugers: Entwürfe, Programme, Zeitungsausschnitte, Porträts, Briefe und Korrespondenz
ed. Andreas Lindner and Klaus Petermayr (2019)
[ Josef Kluger’s Bruckner Reception ]


MV 120
270 Seiten, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-903196-05-6


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The Augustine Canon Josef Kluger (1865 – 1937), a glowing Wagnerian and, in the 1890s, an intimate of Anton Bruckner’s, became an important transmitter of Bruckner’s legacy. Kluger, as a member of the directorate of the Vienna Konzerthaus also an important force in Viennese musical life, collected newspaper articles and other documents on A. Bruckner, participated in Bruckner festivals, and corresponded with other Bruckner enthusiasts. This volume for the first time makes the documents from Josef Kluger’s estate available to scholarship and places them into the historical context of a time of high tension.