(1860 - 1903)

Leopold Spitzer
Hugo Wolfs „Der Corregidor”
W 101
136 pages, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-48-3
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A comprehensive presentation of facts and data on the text and the music allow the reader important insights into the lines of thought and working procedures Hugo Wolf followed in the composition of "Der Corregidor".

Briefe an Frieda Zerny
Edited by Ernst Hilmar and Walter Obermaier (1978)
W 100
84 pages, 13 x 20 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-02-5
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'I hate the thought of living without you', wrote Hugo Wolf in a letter of 27 February 1894 to the singer Frieda Zerny (1864-1917), herself a person of broad culture and a talented author in her own right. Wolf's later letters also testify to his passion for her, a passion which was nevertheless on the wane by the time he wrote his last letter to her on 7 August 1895, which closes with a distant 'I wish you well'.

Hugo Wolfs Kritiken im Wiener Salonblatt
Edited by Leopold Spitzer, with the collaboration of Isabella Sommer (2002)
W 102
Two volumes (208 + 152 pages, sewn in soft covers), boxed
Volume 1: Die Kritiken [ musical reviews ]
Volume 2: Kommentare und Register [ commentary and index ]
ISBN 978-3-900270-63-6
ISMN 979-0-50025-243-6
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Hugo Wolf's musical reviews constitute an indispensable element in the Hugo Wolf Complete Edition. Volume I contains all the reviews written by Wolf for the Wiener Salonblatt in the period January 1884 to April 1887; Volume II contains a comprehensive commentary on the individuals, works and historical events mentioned, together with the exact programmes of the concerts in question. Indexes (of persons, and of works), and an editorial report complete this edition, which takes into account all the most recent research findings. Quite apart from the fact that Wolf researchers had long been agreed that a new edition of the reviews was sorely needed, the composer's biting wit gives us an amusing insight into the Viennese musical life of his time.

Hugo Wolf
Letters 1873-1901
edited by Leopold Spitzer
W 103/1: Volume 1: Letters 1873-1891
680 pages, in format 135 x 210 mm. Bound with dust jacket.
ISBN 978-3-902681-20-1
W 103/2: Volume 2: Letters 1892-1895
840 pages, in format 135 x 210 mm. Bound with dust jacket.
ISBN 978-3-902681-21-8
W 103/3: Volume 3: Letters 1896-1901
672 pages, in format 135 x 210 mm. Bound with dust jacket.
ISBN 978-3-902681-22-5
W 103/4: Volume 4: Commentary and Index
868 pages, in format 135 x 210 mm. Bound with dust jacket.
ISBN 978-3-902681-23-2
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The edition comprises all of the composer’s letters known today, among them numerous first publications after original sources.
More than 2200 pieces of correspondence run the gamut from letters to the family of the 13-year-old schoolboy the the last, harrowing documents written by the already severely ill Hugo Wolf from the mental institution.
The edition of letters grants so far unknown glimpses into the biography of Hugo Wolfs and into the process of his works’ genesis as well as into his cultural and intellectual environment.
A separate volume of commentary documents all sources and variants and provides information on all persons, places and works mentioned in the letters. With its bibliographic reference and a comprehensive index of people, places and works the commentary is an indispensable companion through the correspondence of Hugo Wolf.

Hugo Wolf – Zwischen Mythos und Realität
Report ed. by Leopold Spitzer (2013)
W 104
144 pages, Format 16,5 x 23,5 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-902681-27-0
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Christa Höller
Hugo Wolf und seine Familie
Leopold Spitzer
Das Netzwerk der Freunde
Julia Danielczyk
Hugo Wolf und die Frauen
Franziska Worel
Eduard Mörike und seine Komponisten: Die Gedichte im "Maler Nolten" – früheste Quelle der Mörike-Rezeption
Andreas Meyer
Liedsatz als psychodynamisches Modell: Hugo Wolfs nervöse Polyphonie
Wilhelm Sinkovicz
Hugo Wolf als Musikkritiker: Vom Mythos zur ästhetisch-kritischen Bestandsaufnahme
Thomas Aigner
Hugo Wolf und seine Verleger
Leopold Spitzer
Das "Neue": Fluch oder Segen
Hansjörg Bäzner
Hugo Wolf und seine Krankheit
Dietmar Langberg
"Der Corregidor" – ein Werk der Zukunft?
Hartmut Krones
Hugo Wolf und die Wiener Schule

Leopold Spitzer
Hugo Wolf – Werk und Leben
[ Hugo Wolf – Works and Life ]
W 105
192 pages
ISBN 978-3-903196-02-5
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For the first time in a long while there is a comprehensive biography of Hugo Wolf. Leopold Spitzer, editor-in-chief of the Hugo Wolf Complete Edition and the editor of his writings, is a first-class expert in this field.
His 2003 Wolf biography, which takes his works as point of departure, has been brought up to date with the current status of modern scholarship for this edition.

Leopold Spitzer
Hugo Wolf – Sein Leben in Bildern
[ Hugo Wolf – His Life in Pictures ]
W 106
120 pages, 20 x 27 cms, bound
ISBN 978-3-903196-07-0
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More than 200 images of Hugo Wolf, his family, and people from his private and professional surroundings as well as of the places of his residence and activities provide a comprehensive insight into many areas of the composer’s life.
With its extensive commentary this visual biography can stand alone, but is also an optimal supplement to Hugo Wolf’s writings and letters.